The Value of Ergonomics

What does Warren Buffet know about ergonomics?  Maybe this isn’t his area of expertise but his insights are equally applicable to ergonomic purchases.  The money spent to set up your ergonomic office whether at home or work is an investment which can be tied to one of his most famous quotes, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get”. 

His statement implies that price and value are not always one and the same.  The intrinsic value of ergonomics is a very personal determination and can mean different things to each person based on your needs.

The New Pandemic Work From Home Office

Your home office may have been acceptable for occasional use in the evenings or on weekends, but working from home every day may have prompted you to make some low-cost modifications to improve your comfort. Your employer probably has office furniture standards and controls the furniture and equipment at your on-site office, but now you find yourself working solo with a limited budget.

Have you made ergonomic adjustments to your workstation helped or do you still find that you are experiencing discomfort?  We see employees working in a variety of well-meant yet high-risk improvised ways.  The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine conducted a study of new normal of a home office. The study discovered that most employees either don't have access to quality ergonomic tools or they don't know how to properly use them.

Ergonomic Warning Signs

Are you squriming in your chair or have back pain and shoulder pain?  These may be warning signs of potential ergonomic issues.  Some other signs include stopping work periodically to rub muscles, joint or bones; flexing fingers, wrist or ankles; wearing wrist splits or braces to provide support; complaining or showing signs of ongoing fatigue.

The most common spots of ergonomic injuries are the shoulders, wrists, neck, knees and elbows. Common injuries include pinched nerves, herniated disks, sprains, strains, hernias and carpel tunnel syndrome.  Many of these can be resolved or prevented by reviewing your workstation setup and making some changes to improve posture.  

Improved Productivity/Enhanced Quality of Life

The best ergonomic solutions will often improve productivity. Designed to promote good posture, less exertion, fewer motions and better heights and reaches, the workstation becomes more efficient. At its core, ergonomics enhances the quality of your work life by reducing awkward postures and highly competitive tasks. Believe it or not, ergonomics can make your job easier and more efficient while keeping you safer. 

Value Investing in Ergonomics

If you’re considering adding additional equipment to improve your work comfort, whether this might be a new ergonomic chair, height adjustable desk or an ergonomic keyboard or mouse, remember the least expensive product may not be the best solution for you. Take time to evaluate your needs carefully.

Paying a little more for a well-designed ergonomic chair, sit-stand desk or accessory can pay off in the end by helping avoid significant injuries and related costs.  In the case of home office ergonomics, the value is your comfort.  When you’re sitting 8 hours a day, a chair costing $500 equates to under $9.50 a week or less than a quarter a day. Is your comfort worth this?  Bottom line, you get what you pay for. The question is can you avoid NOT to invest in good ergonomics?

Keep in mind that value also extends to service after you’ve purchased.  A good warranty and reputable company are part of the added value to your purchase in years to come.

Both price and value are the two sides of the same coin. Understanding the difference between price and value is the core principle of value investing.  Maybe Buffet knows more about ergonomics than we thought!

Contact us today at 314-994-0500 or [email protected] to discuss how ergonomics can be applied to your home office to provide comfort, safety, and efficiency.


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