Four Frequently Asked Questions about Sit-Stands

Do you sit at your desk all day or for most hours of the day? Studies have shown that several health conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and depression have been linked to sitting for long periods during the day. To avoid health risks associated with sitting, some people are using a standing desk instead. If you're not familiar with or need more information about this office solution, these frequently asked questions and answers may help you gain a better understanding of the concept.

Questions & Answers About Standing Desks/Sit-Stands

#1 What are the benefits of using a standing desk or sit-stand?

Studies from Harvard Medical School indicate that standing after eating returned blood sugar levels back to normal quicker than sitting. In addition to that, it substantially reduced shoulder and neck pain. Standing also prevents muscle tightening on the lower back, helping to reduce the risk of injury.

#2 What impact does a standing desk have on productivity?

Standing when working can boost productivity and engagement from employees. One study showed that four out of 10 workers who swapped their standard desk for a standing deck said their performance improved within a one year period. Five out of 10 respondents also said they felt more engaged at work after implementing the change in their working position.

#3 Can I use any table as a standing desk? man sitting with back pain

Technically, you can use any table as a standing desk, but only if it is the ergonomically correct height for you. For example, the table should be at the same level or slightly below your elbow height when you're standing straight so that your arms are at a 90 degree angle.

Using a table that doesn't meet the required measurements can cause shoulder and neck pain due to either a too tall or too low elbow height. So, it's best to turn to reputable providers that offer ergonomic tables designed to improve posture and comfort.  

#4 Does using a standing desk mean I will have to stand all day? 

Absolutely not. In fact, standing all day can have just as many negative impacts as sitting all day. The key is to alternate between sitting, standing and moving to help beat inactivity, which can cause musculoskeletal issues. Moving in general is the best practice to reduce risks of health conditions and discomfort.

There are many types of standing desks. There are desktop workstations, that sit on top of your current desk that will adjust up or down. These can be adjusted manually or some offer power solutions. Another option is a height adjustable table. This allows the entire workstation to raise up or down to your comfort.

If you’re looking for ergonomic accessories to make your office more productive, check out our website. Serving clients around St. Louis, MO, for more than 20 years, we offer solutions such as sit-stand workstations, ergonomic chairs, and other related products. Our solutions are designed to make a positive impact on your physical comfort. Call (314) 994-0500, email [email protected] or visit our website today.



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