Getting Back to Business

All we hear about these days is Covid-19, and for a good reason as it is so easily transmitted through the air and has impacted so many people’s daily lives. Efforts by employers to protect their customers and essential employees have included adding barriers and privacy panels.  Soon, millions of non-essential employees will return to their offices and leave their home office behind.  In these close quarters, germs can easily spread, and people will inevitably fall sick.  Is your company prepared?

Whether you are one of the companies still open with essential employees, or preparing to go back to normal, make sure you are ready to keep your employees and customers safe with added protection throughout the work environment.

Protective Barriers for Social Distancing

Privacy panels are an excellent way to provide defense to your staff and clients. The panels act as protective barriers to stop the spread of germs. Whether it’s Covid-19, influenza, or any of the other thousands of viruses, “sneeze guard” panels help to maintain social distancing for a healthy work environment. The panels protect from airborne germs as well as limit physical contact with others.   Clear, acrylic screens are easy to wipe clean and sanitize and are designed to be integrated into reception, open offices and point of sales areas. Healthy employees equate to less sick pay, lower healthcare costs, and higher productivity.

Privacy Panels for Less Distractions

Along with preventing sickness, privacy is a top reason to install a panel. Employees appreciate the privacy and can work more efficiently since they feel more comfortable and are less distracted by external stimuli. Panels providing sound absorption to reduce noise, work especially well in call-center type environments. Unlike tall, closed-off cubicles, smaller privacy panels still allow collaboration when needed since there is not that “boxed in” feeling. Let us all do our part to minimize future sickness in the workplace by implementing solutions to support social distancing wherever it’s needed.  Scientists will surely find a vaccine for the corona virus, but that doesn’t mean once this is all over the privacy panels should come down.  All of us share the responsibility to keep safe and healthy whether we are facing a pandemic or not.  Covid-19 isn’t going to last forever and when it’s over we should continue to strive for better safety and health.  We’re here and ready to assist you to discuss your needs and select the best options to fit your needs.  We can customize size, shape and options to meet your specifications.

Visit our website to view some options we can provide you.


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