Sit or Stand? Healthy Benefits of Workplace Movement

Research has linked health risks with both sitting and standing for prolonged periods. 

Standing Concerns

Prolonged standing at work is associated with the development of diseases of varicose veins and lower leg discomfort.  Research has shown that standing in the same position for longer than 30 minutes may cause back pain, a reduction in circulation, and increased risk for cardiovascular disease.  Individuals with existing knee, ankle or hip problems may not be able to stand for longer periods.  Also, standing all day can be fatiguing.


 If you choose to stand:

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Shift or elevate one foot to reduce low back stress
  • Consider using an anti-fatigue mat or shoe inserts, especially for a hard floor
  • Move! Alternate your posture or walk in place
  • Ease into standing by increasing the amount of time each day to allow your body to adjust

Prolonged Sitting Concerns

 The list of negative health consequences that may happen as a result of sitting  for extended periods of time or a sedentary lifestyle include: 

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Deep-vein thrombosis
  • Glucose and insulin levels are adversely impacted with an increased risk of diabetes
  • Higher incidence of obesity
  • Reduction in metabolic rate

 If you choose to sit:

  • Avoid static postures by standing up every 30 minutes for at least 30 seconds
  • Invest in a supportive, comfortable chair that provides good lumbar and thoracic support.  Adjustable chair arms allows shoulders and back muscles to relax

Sit-Stand Ergonomic Studies

A recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicates adjustable sit-to-stand products are an effective solution for encouraging movement and reducing prolonged sitting.  Findings from the CDC study suggest that “using a sit-stand device at work can reduce sitting time and generate other health benefits for workers”.

The American Medical Association (AMA) recognizes the health risks of sitting as an emerging public health issue and adopted a policy of "encouraging employers, employees, and others to make available alternatives to sitting, such as standing work stations…”   Dr. Harris, indicates that this policy will “help create a healthier workforce”.

Changing your posture frequently is recommended. Your best position is your next position, so move!


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